[sdnog] Fwd: [afnog] Ubuntunet NREN's IPv6 Status: Challenges and Plans Webinar - How to Join - Dec 15th 2014

Hiba Eltigani higba6 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 9 00:10:43 SAST 2014

    Following our IPv6 discussion, this webinar will discuss challenges and
plans. One of the presenter comes from our local community, Saleh Mahmoud
from SudRen ;).

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kevin Chege <chege at isoc.org>
Date: 8 December 2014 at 23:36
Subject: [afnog] Ubuntunet NREN's IPv6 Status: Challenges and Plans Webinar
- How to Join - Dec 15th 2014
To: "afnog at afnog.org" <afnog at afnog.org>

 Hello everyone,

 The IPv6 webinar by the Ubuntunet NRENs will be hosted using Zoom. You can
use a regular browser or join via the Zoom app available for Android and

 The webinar room will be open 15min earlier (12.45PM UTC) on the day.
However, I encourage you to click on the URL below now to ensure you have
the necessary plugins before the day of the webinar.

 To join the webinar on the day, click on the same URL below and you will
join the meeting. Select “Connect using computer audio” on the screen that
appears and then kindly mute your mic as soon as you join (the icon will be
on the bottom left of the Zoom Window after you join)

 *Topic: Ubuntunet NREN's IPv6 Status: Challenges and Plans*

 Time: Dec 15, 2014 1:00 PM UTC

 Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: https://isoc.zoom.us/j/240458966

Or join by phone:

     +1 (415) 762-9988 or +1 (646) 568-7788 US Toll
    Meeting ID: 240 458 966
    International numbers available: https://isoc.zoom.us/zoomconference


 Topic: Ubuntunet NREN's IPv6 Status: Challenges and Plans

 - SudRen - 15mins (Saleh Mahmoud)
- KENET - 15mins (Michelle Opiyo/Kennedy Aseda)
- RENU -  15 mins (Nicholas Mbonimpa)
- Q/A - 20mins



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Always smile
 Hiba :-)
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