[sdnog] [IANN News Alert] ICANN Statement Regarding IANA Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Tue Aug 18 08:47:08 SAST 2015

For those interested in the IANA Stewardship Transition.

Fahd Batayneh


Sent: Monday, August 17, 2015 10:08 PM
Subject: ICANN News Alert -- ICANN Statement Regarding IANA Intellectual 
Property Rights (IPR)

 <http://www.icann.org/> ICANN

News Alert



ICANN Statement Regarding IANA Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

15 August 2015

ICANN supports the IANA Stewardship Transition Group (ICG) proposal and the 
underlying proposals from the Community Working Group (CWG), the Consolidated 
RIR IANA Stewardship Proposal (CRISP) team and the Planning for the IANA/NTIA 
Transition (IANAPLAN) working group.

The ICANN Board is focused on how to implement the Intellectual Property 
Rights (IPR) component of the proposal. The Board believes that for stability 
and pragmatic operational reasons, the IANA Functions Operator must have 
operational control over the IANA.ORG <http://iana.org/>  domain.

During the transition, ICANN is prepared to transfer full ownership of the 
IANA-related trademarks to a neutral third party mutually agreed among the 
operational communities with the understanding that ICANN, as the current IANA 
Functions Operator, will be granted license to those trademarks and ICANN will 
maintain operational control of the IANA.ORG <http://iana.org/>  domain for as 
long as ICANN remains the IANA Functions Operator.

If the transfer during the transition affects the timeline, we advise delay 
until after the transition. In that event ICANN is ready to hold the IPR as 
interim measure but commits to transfer it within 120 days after the neutral 
third party is identified by the operational communities.

We believe this is neutral and in the public interest. We look forward to 
hearing from anyone in the community.

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