[sdnog] help with virtualization configuration

Sara Alamin sara.alamin at sudren.edu.sd
Mon Aug 31 09:21:54 SAST 2015

Hello SdNOG community,
Hope you had a good time at SdNOG-2 meeting

I want to ask about one of the topic that has been discussed at the meeting : virtualization.

I have 5 server with 1T storage for each , and I want to install a hypervisor software that gives me these features :
- can manage these server from one administrator console
- if I faced any problem  can easily migrate the VMs form one server to other .
- easily way to have a backup for the virtual machines that will be created.

My questions are :
- what is the suitable hypervisor software? (can I find open source software?) 
- do I need a specific configuration before I install the hypervisor software? 

sorry  but I don't have enough experience with virtualization so if there is any one can share docs or videos  that may help :)

Thanks in advance.
--Sara Alamin--

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