[sdnog] [CircleID] Addressing 2014 - And Then There Were 2!

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Wed Feb 4 15:27:39 SAST 2015

Fahd Batayneh wrote:
> http://www.circleid.com/posts/20150131_addressing_2014_and_then_there_were_2/
> A piece by /Geoff Huston/.

i have tremendous respect for geoff, and he is usually an interesting 
read (eg. just look at the presentation he did at NANOG this week, on 
DNS resolvers).

however, i'm not sure what the *operational content* of this message is?
get IPv6?  oh, we know that.  there's good work being done in sudan to 
push this;  just look at an earlier thread from today, regarding SudREN.

so, please clue me in...  :-)


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