[sdnog] Utilizing Sudan' Resources

Hiba Eltigani higba6 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 09:35:22 SAST 2015

Hello SdNOG
   I totally agree with Samir,  we have high potential in this country. If
many people are interested, we can have BoF during SdNOG-2. What do you
think ;) ?
On Feb 4, 2015 4:59 PM, "Samir S. Omer" <samir.saif at sudren.edu.sd> wrote:

> Dear colleague  and SdNOGgers
> I'm writing this email as a starting point to try to brainstorm on how to
> fully utilize Sudan' resources to achieve Network autonomy, rich local
> content, and maybe in the future have outer ISPs wanting to peer with us
> if we look at Sudan we can see that we have
>    - good National fiber network that extends to all states in Sudan.
>    - we have an IXP.
>    - we a big datacenter maybe on of the top data centers in Africa.
>    - we have good technical community and eager engineers.
>    - the universities' online registration system, that was enforced by
>    the ministry of education broke the online payment barrier that was always
>    an issue in Sudan
>    - Sudan terrain allows it to become a wholesale distribution point to
>    neighbouring countries.
> seeing all of the above factors, I think achieving this goal is more of an
> awareness/governance/policy issues than of a resource issue. I know it's
> not a simple task that can be done in short time.
> for the time being let's just start the discussion
> so I like to hear from you on how can we possibly put all of these pieces
> together.
> Regards,
> [image: SudREN] <http://www.sudren.edu.sd>
> Samir Abdullatif / Head of Electronic Services Unit
> samir.saif at sudren.edu.sd / +249123788848
> SudREN
> +249155662050
> UofK, Nile St. Khartoum, Sudren
> http://www.sudren.edu.sd
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