[sdnog] Our namespace is not secure

Manhal Mohammed manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 29 09:34:33 SAST 2015

Hi sdNoggers ^_^  

Because any “name.SD” lies
under .SD, we would be subject to any risk that .SD is already subject to.
You can notice that clearly if you check the graph of .SE or .FR for an example
and compare it with the .SD graph "you can check it here http://trans-trust.verisignlabs.com/ " you will
find that our namespace is not secure. Which is a terrifying
fact that's need to be solved  ASAP. So, the fix here needs to start at .SD level 

And as we all “Sdnoggers at least” Know that PCH has offered
us a secondary .SD so as Mr. Nishal said if I get his point correctly to solve this issue “it's just renaming of the
name-servers. This is the current ns-set for SD as per e.root


sd.            172800    IN    NS    sd.cctld.authdns.ripe.net.

sd.            172800    IN    NS    ns1.coza.net.za.

sd.            172800    IN    NS    ns1.uaenic.ae.

sd.            172800    IN    NS    ns2.uaenic.ae.

sd.            172800    IN    NS    ans1.sis.sd.

sd.            172800    IN    NS    ans1.canar.sd.

sd.            172800    IN    NS    ans2.canar.sd.

sd.            172800    IN    NS    ns-sd.afrinic.net.

you'd have to go to each of these people and say make an alias (for example)

--> ripe.sis.sd (or a.sis.sd, or ... anything). Etc. 

has many benefits - not all of which are related to transitive trust.  		 	   		  
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