[sdnog] tips and best practices

Hiba Eltigani higba6 at gmail.com
Wed Jul 8 21:30:45 SAST 2015

Salam Samir
    Ramdan Kareem,,,,,

On 8 July 2015 at 12:51, Samir S. Omer <samir.saif at sudren.edu.sd> wrote:

> Dear SdNOGers
> hope this message finds you well
> I'm writing this email hoping that we can start a thread for best tips and
> practices for network admins and operators
+1 for that, thanks for sharing.

> DISCLAIMER: the term best practices is subjective and I'm expressing my
> views to best of my knowledge, and hopefully I can get a better ideas and
> tips from you.
> here we go:
> 1- I usually edit my local 'host' file with the hostnames with their
> respected IPs of the machine I administer so that i don't have to remembers
> the IPs.
> 2- when I'm configuring any monitoring or alerting systems with
> auto-generated emails, I usually put an appropriate identifier within
> square brackets
> to help me filter and auto-classify email to their custom folder in my
> mailbox.
> 3- my favorite terminal is MobaXterm, it has many useful features that
> makes it easier for managing machines "http://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/".
> 4- as most of us use Windows based machines in Sudan, I usually install
> dig in my machine so that I can quickly troubleshoot any DNS issues. "
> http://nil.uniza.sk/windows/windows-7/how-install-dig-dns-tool-windows-7"
> 5- I use KeePass to manage and store all my passwords. "
> http://keepass.info/"
> these are some of the methods and tools I use, I hope it helps you, and
> looking forwards to hearing about your tips and best practices

I can add few more:
  1- Whenever possible, I try to make my services run under separate user
that's not root.

  2- MRTG and Syslog are my essential monitoring tools specially if I
manage to get memory and    CPU utilization monitored. In addition to that
I used ActiveXperts (windows) for links availability it send you SMS when
ping to one of your nodes fail. I think Nagios can do the same for linux
platforms but I have never used it before.

 3- Cron along with shell scripts are simple way to automate back-ups, I
just need to make sure proper security is in place.

 4- I also have the habit of preparing all the new configuration in text
files along with the roll-back configuration before applying any changes to
the network node. It helps minimize the errors and down time.

5- terminal servers are must to have specially for remote location, I just
need to make sure that they are connected through separate link for obvious
reasons :).



> Regards,
> Samir
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Always smile
 Hiba :-)
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