[sdnog] Introduction to Network Operations Online Course in collaboration with ISOC

info@sdnog.sd samir.saif at sudren.edu.sd
Tue Mar 10 16:20:16 SAST 2015


SdNOG and The Internet Society invites engineers from Sudan to participate in an intensive online course titled “Introduction to Network Operations: UNIX/LINUX, Networking and DNS” aimed at entry level Network and Systems Administrators. The course will guide the trainee step by step on how to install and setup a working server, connect it to the Internet and then run a DNS Server in a Virtualized environment.

Overall objective: 
The course is aimed at participants who are technically competent but may have had little or no prior exposure to the Unix/Linux environment. The topics and concepts covered in the course include:
•How to install a UNIX Operating System in a Virtual environment
•Networking concepts – IPv4 and IPv6 
•How to install 3rd party software on a UNIX or Linux platform using Software management tools
•How to work on the UNIX/Linux shell 
•How to edit files in UNIX and Linux and create simple scripts
•How to build and activate a caching DNS Server and
•Understanding the role of DNS on the Internet

Who should apply
Software Developers and Systems Administrators with a desire to learn basic Unix/Linux server Administration, DNS Server administration skills and or acquire Basic Networking skills.

Language of instruction will be English.

Course Duration:
The course can be completed in 1 week of dedicated time. Applicants are encouraged to take time off work to complete the course if possible. If not, successful applicants will be allowed 4 weeks to complete the course.

Application procedure:
Complete the application form on SdNOG website go to:

Application deadline:
The applications close on 1/4/2015 Applications received after this date will not be considered.
For more information visit SdNOG website or email us at: info at sdnog.sd

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