[sdnog] Middle East and Adjoining Countries School on Internet Governance (MEAC-SIG) | Tunis, Tunisia | May 25, -29, 2015

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Tue Mar 24 22:50:04 SAST 2015

Friends and Colleagues,


I am pleased to inform you that the second edition of Middle East and
Adjoining Countries School on Internet Governance (MEAC-SIG) will be held in
Tunis, Tunisia on May 25-29, 2015 with a generous host from ISOC Tunisia.


Those interested in attending this school are kindly requested to fill out
the "Call for Attendance" template found at
https://community.icann.org/display/MES/MEAC-SIG+2015. The template is
available in both PDF
format and MS Word


Please send a duly filled out application along with ALL requested documents
to meswg at icann.org. Applications with missing documents will not be
considered. Only applications from citizens of countries comprising the MEAC
region will be considered; i.e. 22 Arab States, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan,
and Pakistan.


Applications will be received until Friday April 10, 2015 at 23.59 UTC.
Successful applicants are expected to be contacted before or on Friday April
17, 2015.


You can learn more about the 2014 edition in Kuwait at


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh

On behalf of the MEAC-SIG 2015 Steering Committee

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