[sdnog] Interesting statistics about Internet

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Thu Mar 26 11:04:08 SAST 2015

Hiba, All,

ICANN commissioned the Boston Consulting Group (BCG) in early 2013 to conduct 
a study on e-Friction and how to grease the Wheels of the Internet Economy. 
The report came out in early 2014. Sudan and many other Arab countries were 
not in that report, while those who had entries in the report could have done 
better. It seems that Infrastructure is causing 50% of the obstacles.

You can read the report and its appendices at 
https://www.icann.org/news/announcement-2-2014-02-24-en?routing_type=path. I 
will be happy to present the findings of the report during sdNOG 2 later this 

Happy reading.


From: sdnog-bounces at sdnog.sd [mailto:sdnog-bounces at sdnog.sd] On Behalf Of Hiba 
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2015 10:56 AM
To: sdnog at sdnog.sd
Subject: [sdnog] Interesting statistics about Internet

Salam SdNOG
    I want share this link containing some interesting stats about Internet 
and check where our country is positioned. One image in particular is 


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