[sdnog] DiploFoundation Online Courses Partial Scholarships

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Mon May 4 15:54:54 SAST 2015



For those interested. There are some partial scholarships for courses offered by DiploFoundation as listed on their courses catalogue.


Fahd Batayneh



Sent: Monday, May 04, 2015 3:54 PM
Subject: Malta Scholarships




Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that thanks to support from the Government of Malta, partial scholarships are available for applicants from developing countries to attend upcoming Diplo online courses. 
These scholarships cover 50 - 70% of course fees and can be applied to most of our upcoming online courses in 2015. Please browse our  <http://diplomacy.us5.list-manage.com/track/click?u=89e7299f9fe54eed66d45cf3d&id=5649b71d91&e=ab36203ef6> course catalogue and contact us at  <mailto:admissions at diplomacy.edu?subject=Malta%20Scholarships> admissions at diplomacy.edu for further information.
Please feel free to share this message with colleagues or friends who may be interested. 
Best wishes
Hannah Slavik
Educational Programmes Director
 <http://diplomacy.us5.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=89e7299f9fe54eed66d45cf3d&id=86394767d8&e=ab36203ef6> www.diplomacy.edu


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