[sdnog] Protonmail paying ransom in bitcoin

Bernd Spiess bernd.spiess at de-cix.net
Wed Nov 25 23:34:10 SAST 2015

jfyi: this was also seen in Austria/Europe at some national ISP's ... there was a discussion in atnog too and an information from cert.at<http://cert.at>
about that... Otmar can maybe help on
that if you have questions about cert.at<http://cert.at>'s findings...


Am 25.11.2015 um 21:32 schrieb Hiba Eltigani <higba at tutanota.com<mailto:higba at tutanota.com>>:

Salam SdNOG,,,,,
      Do you remember Bitcoin from SdNOG-1 ?!!! Apparently, Proton mail suffered massive DDoS attacks early in November and had to pay ransom in bitcoin. You can read more about it in below link. I am asking about the technical scenario behind the attack, I don't seem to find something. Also, what are the best practices to guard against DDoS or at least insure fast recover.


Thanks in advance.

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