[sdnog] Feedback Deadline Extension | Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) DNS Study Draft Report

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Wed Oct 28 17:47:58 SAST 2015

Friends and Colleagues,


Due to continuous requests to extend the comments period of the Middle East
and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) DNS Study Draft Report, we are pleased to
inform you that the deadline has been extended until Friday November 13,
2015 at 23.59 UTC.


We look forward to receiving your feedback.


Thank you,


Baher Esmat and Fahd Batayneh



Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 7:41 PM
Subject: [Reminder] Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) DNS Study
Draft Report


Friends and Colleagues,


A gentle reminder on this. The deadline for accepting comments is Friday
October 30, 2015 at 23.59 UTC.


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh



Sent: Monday, October 12, 2015 3:46 PM
Subject: Middle East and Adjoining Countries (MEAC) DNS Study Draft Report


Friends and Colleagues,


Earlier this year, and as part of the recommendations of ICANN's Engagement
Strategy in the Middle East, we issued an RFP seeking a consultant to work
on a study that defines the DNS Industry in the Middle East and Adjoining
Countries (22 Arab States, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan), and to
provide a set of recommendations on how to progress it forward. It feel on
the shoulders of the EURid Consortium to deliver this study.


Please find the draft report of the study as well as an infographic both at
https://community.icann.org/display/MES/MEAC+DNS+Study. Please note that the
document is draft, and so is open for any comments or feedback you may have.
Feedback and comments can be sent to meswg at icann.org.


Please note that we intend to hold an update session at the ICANN Dublin
meeting  to share the findings of the study with whoever is interested in it
or in the DNS Industry in the MEAC region. The session will take place on
Tuesday October 20 at 16.15 - 17.30 UTC. More information can be found at


We look forward to receiving your feedback and comments, and to seeing you
at our session in Dublin soon.


Thank you,


Baher Esmat and Fahd Batayneh

Global Stakeholder Engagement, Middle East


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