[sdnog] Puppet Configuration

Jaco Engelbrecht bje at serendipity.org.za
Wed Sep 23 20:34:50 SAST 2015

Hi Isra, 

Before we start to troubleshoot this - are you setting up a brand new Puppet Master? 

If so, I would strongly recommend that you start with Puppet 4: https://puppetlabs.com/blog/say-hello-open-source-puppet-4 

With Puppet 4, you get a simple, streamlined experience with an all-in-one (AIO) package that includes Puppet 4, latest Hiera and MCollective, Ruby, OpenSSL and their gem dependencies. This is most definitely going to give you less headaches later down the road, especially with the upgrade from Puppet 3 to Puppet 4. 

You're then also using the latest version of their software, the version 3 (which is what you likely installed) will be unsupported soon. A lot of things has changed, and the new AIO package is really great to get started with. 

Happy to guide you (and others) through the process of getting started with Puppet 4. It's a great time to start with Puppet, the Puppet Forge (where modules to configure web, mail, DNS servers) are very mature these days - they've put in a lot of work to make this great! 

Let me know, and I can type up some notes to get you started. Also, any reason you're using CentOS 6 and not yet CentOS 7? 


From: "Isra Mustafa" <isra.bt.jaffer at gmail.com> 
To: sdnog at sdnog.sd 
Sent: Wednesday, 23 September, 2015 17:33:23 
Subject: [sdnog] Puppet Configuration 

Hello SDnogers 
I'm configuring puppet master but I run into a problem when configuring the dashboard and now httpd failed to start 
this is how I configured the puppet master 

and this is how I configured the puppet dashboard 

the problem appeared at step 10 
10. Modify the apache 
vim /etc/httpd/conf.d/dashboard-vhost.conf 

I tried to log for the error in the log file and this is what i see 

[Wed Sep 23 13:45:42 2015] [error] Illegal attempt to re-initialise SSL for server (theoretically shouldn't happen!). 

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