[sdnog] FW: MENOG 16 Fellowships Available

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Sun Sep 27 14:45:08 SAST 2015



For those interested in the Middle East Network Operators Group (MENOG), the fellowship round for MENOG 16 in Tehran, Iran on November 26 – December 1 is now open, and will remain so until 12 October 2015. You can learn more on the eligibility of this program at http://www.menog.org/menog-fellowship-program/.


If you are interested in applying or you know of someone who might be interested, please read on.


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh

MENOG 16 PC Member



-----Original Message-----

Sent: Sunday, September 27, 2015 2:48 PM

Subject: [menog-announce] MENOG 16 Fellowships available


Dear colleagues,


We are pleased to announce that fellowship applications for the MENOG 16/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting in Tehran, Iran are now available.


The MENOG Fellowship Program offers financial assistance to engineers from countries in the Middle East to attend MENOG Meetings and MENOG-sponsored events. Up to five fellowships are awarded to eligible applicants.


The MENOG 16/RIPE NCC Regional Meeting will be held from 26 November until 1 December 2015.


The program for the event is as follows:


-          MENOG 16 Workshops - 26-29 November

-          MENOG 16 Conference - 30 November - 1 December



Deadline for Applications


Applications for the MENOG Fellowship Program must be submitted by 12 October 2015.


Full details about the MENOG Fellowship Program, including information about how to apply and eligibility criteria, can be found on the MENOG website at:  <http://www.menog.org/meetings/menog-fellowship-program/application-form/> www.menog.org/meetings/menog-fellowship-program/application-form/


We encourage you to pass this information to anyone involved in Middle East network operators’ groups, and to anyone who has a keen interest in the activities of MENOG. You might also consider acting as a reference for a fellowship applicant.


For more information on the meeting and workshops, please visit:  <http://www.menog.org/meetings/menog-16> www.menog.org/meetings/menog-16


If you have any questions, please email < <mailto:menog at ripe.net> menog at ripe.net>.





Sandra Gijzen

RIPE NCC on behalf of the MENOG Secretariat



 <http://www.menog.org> www.menog.org

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