[sdnog] DNS Queries

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Wed Aug 24 12:25:33 SAST 2016

On 22 Aug 2016, at 14:40, Sahlih Shihab wrote:

> Hi all
> I think the DNS use TCP in transaction between dns-master and 
> dns-salve to update the zones in dns-slave, am I right?
> Thanks

yes, TCP is used for zone transfers by default.
but TCP is also used when a DNS server can not fit a reply into a single 
or when a server is asked to reply using TCP (say during 
trouble-shooting .. erm..i mean debugging)

so, DNS uses *both* UDP and TCP, although, as philip has already said, 
the default is to use UDP for queries/answers.

the short of it, is that you should *NOT* block either TCP or UDP 53;  
doing either will break your DNS.

there are a lot of other things you should pay attention to:
* don’t put your DNS servers behind a stateful firewall;  since most 
DNS replies/queries are stateless, a stateful firewall in front of your 
DNS server, is just adding another point of failure in the path of the 
network.  instead, make sure your DNS server is secure, and doesn’t 
run anything other than DNS (and ssh for management, of course).  this 
might seem counter-intuitive to those of you that think that everything 
should be firewall, but, really, stateful firewalls don’t add value to 
* do NOT limit packet sizes to 512;  this *will* break things.
* do NOT EVER use load-balancers for DNS;  use anycast.  it’s not 
difficult - see SdNOG-1 for a talk on how to do this.
* if you are setting up a recursive DNS server, make sure to limit who 
can use this, to just your clients’ networks.
* if you are setting up an authoritative DNS server, make sure you use 
DNS RRLs (response rate-limiting).

i’m likely forgetting other best practices, but i’m sure others can 
chip in.


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