[sdnog] SSL integration Issues

Ayman Alshaikh 0x4ym4n at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 13:32:18 SAST 2016

Hi ..
I hope your day going very well & Jummah Mubaraka
I'd installed SSL cert. during  Letsencrypt live tutorial @SDNOG3
conference the first thing I'd noticed some external links wasn't https
therefore some browser "eg firefox" says some page contents aren't secure
.. later I managed to solve it by installing a plugin that enforce https
for every external-internal links if supported https otherwise block it ..
this worked perfectly for me :)
but now i am want to discuss another problem i had faced it yesterday after
releasing our organization website somehow mysql server shuts down itself
unexpectedly i think it's being under attack or it may lack of resources
"insufficient ram capacity " - according to mysql error log & system log
so as to protect our website from DDOS atacks + monitoring traffic I
started to integrate Cloudflare service then I realized that Cloudflare is
giving some type of SSL encryption between visitor and Cloudflare servers
this keep visitor seeing secure https ,, in my case after deploying
Cloudflare service on my domain by replacing exists DNS records with
Cloudflare DNS records this made my browser enter into infinte loop of
redirection  either continuing using Cloudflare SSL  certificate to start
connection then using hosted SSL certificate ??!? this point made me
also I did a lot of googling to uninstall letsencrypt to disable https
connection and test Cloudflare without it but i didn't find anything useful
I tried to disable apachesslmod but no success . i am just tring i trust
letsencrypt BTW :)
here a simple photo can explain Cloudflare connection process "in my case
right side is also encrypted using letsencypt"

Ayman Alshaikh
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