[sdnog] Nomination for SdNOG Exec Committee

Samir S. Omer samir.saif at sudren.edu.sd
Mon Feb 1 12:47:37 SAST 2016

Dear Manhal and other interested members, 

First, thank you for your interest. 

Please note that SdNOG is based on community contribution and volunteer work. 
you can participate and help whenever you have time, except in the cases of organizing events and workshop, where a more dedication and investing of your time is needed. But generally there is no great load that can affect your work/study. 

Motivational letter is just a letter where you talk about yourself, what is your background, what area you think you can work on, and what can you bring to SNOG. 
You don't need to be an expert as this is a collaborative and most of us are newcomers. in the contrary this can help you gain experience and build relationships. 
The only real requirement is motivation and enthusiasm. 

This is also applies for fresh graduates, as you don't have to be working to be able to join. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Manhal Mohammed" <manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com> 
To: sdnog at sdnog.sd 
Sent: Monday, February 1, 2016 11:48:37 AM 
Subject: Re: [sdnog] Nomination for SdNOG Exec Committee 

Dear Sdnoggers .. 

good day for all of you :) 

i have few questions about the nominations for the Executive Committee and Officers positions : 

* how will be duties and commitments needed for those who are working/studying and kind of busy but they still want to join the SdNOG family like me ^_^ ? 

* what kind of experiences the Executive Committee and Officers positions need ? 

* can you explain in more details what "motivational letter" is , and what should include exactly. 


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