[sdnog] documenting all the tips and practices on SdNOG website

Daniel Shaw danielshaw at protonmail.com
Fri Feb 12 10:46:40 SAST 2016

My own personal preference is to maximise mailing list discussions and keep mails that I want to reference later.

But, as we're discussing alternate (web based) ways of aggregating and sharing useful tips, let's forget that preference for now :-)

If I have to give an opinion on a web-based tool - I'd also add a vote to the Wiki. a) It's already there - no additional section needs to be added to the web site. b) A new "blog-like" section of the sdnog.sd web site (suggested in the first post of the thread) is just as much *not* existing "social media" as a wiki. That is, people are equally likely (or unlikely) to update and post to a section of the web site, than they are to the wiki.

I'd suggest two possible additional things that could be done if folks in general think they're good ideas:

1. The web site could more prominently promote the Wiki - it's mentioned at the bottom of the front page, but it's not made clear that the wiki is relatively open for contributions. So perhaps the site could have a top menu section about "tips" or "collaboration" that goes to a page explaining how to register and contribute to the Wiki and maybe a directly link to a tips and tricks section of the wiki,

2. If there are folks in Sudan that are already blogging useful tips elsewhere, either on existing social media, or on self-hosted blogs locally, if any of them are available as RSS or Atom feeds, then that can be locally aggregated. Rather than trying people who are already creating content wherever or however that may be, it could be valuable to sync it into a local and easy to discover stream. A way to do that is an online Feed Reader (like the "Planet" app: http://www.planetplanet.org/).
Examples are: Planet Ubuntu - http://planet.ubuntu.com/ - blog feeds from the Ubunutu community or CLUG Park (planet) - [https://park.clug.org.za/](https://park.clug.org.za//) - blogs from people on the Cape Linux User Group list(s).

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [sdnog] documenting all the tips and practices on SdNOG website
Local Time: February 10, 2016 12:22 pm
UTC Time: February 10, 2016 8:22 AM
From: samir.saif at sudren.edu.sd
To: mukom.tamon at gmail.com,sdnog at sdnog.sd

yes while I agree with you on the principle. I was just wondering about the "how" in term of communication method.

the traditional way of most "NOGs" usually involve discussion on the mailing lists.

but based on my experience I've noted that generally either on SdNOG or by discussion with other engineers that people engage more on social media for SdNOG posts and engineers mostly bookmarks blogs instead of wiki

I want to hear from other people is this issue unique to Sudan or you face the same pattern
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