[sdnog] How to make a lab

Sahlih Shihab salih.shihab at sudren.edu.sd
Thu Jan 21 16:01:55 SAST 2016

Dear All 
Firstly, I want to thanks all who attend the NMM workshop this week. it was an excellent one and I hope to see you all in another workshop. 
I will list a number of points to show you how we can make a Lab to practice what you learned in your home.Lets begin with what we need 
to make a LAB we need 
- GNS3 + ISO Image 
- VMware workstation + Ubuntu 14.04TLS server 
- IP addresses 
What should we do: 
- install GNS3, add the Cisco ISO image "xxxxx.bin" and then add the router, after that connect the router with interface that have internet in your labptop/PC, it will be the Gateway then choose the private IP addresses you want and put it in the ohte interface in the router and connected it to a switch and the connect the PC with that switch. 
- PC in GNS3 is a virtual PC you can have it by installing VMware workstation, after installation add new virtual machine install Ubuntu server on it and give it an IP address in the private rage we talk about it in the previous point. 

I will send the sample design for the LAB later 

if you have any questions please ask and do not be shy 


Salih S. M. Abdelhameed | Head of Electronics Service Unit 
Sudanese Research and Education Network | Address 
Nile St. | University of Khartoum 
Tel: +2491556620 71 | Mob: +24912 3788843 

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