[sdnog] Another Milestone Towards the IANA Stewardship Transition

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Thu Jun 9 22:15:37 SAST 2016

Friends and Colleagues,


The NTIA has comprehensively evaluated the IANA Stewardship Transition
proposal submitted to it earlier in March 2016 at the ICANN 55 meeting in
Marrakech, and have found the proposal to meet its stringent criteria. You
can read more on this at


Thank you,


Fahd Batayneh




On March 14, 2014, 818 days ago, the U.S. National Telecommunications and
Information Administration (NTIA) asked ICANN to convene the global Internet
community to develop proposals to transition the stewardship of the IANA
functions to the multistakeholder community. It also called for enhancements
to ICANN's accountability mechanisms.


Today, NTIA released a comprehensive evaluation of the proposals
transition_assessment_report.pdf> . I am very pleased with NTIA's finding
that the community-developed proposals met its stringent criteria. It is an
important recognition of the entire community and its tireless work to reach
this important milestone.


We appreciate NTIA's efficient and thorough review of the transition
proposals. In the meantime, ICANN staff and community members continue to
plan and prepare for a timely and successful implementation of the


We thank everyone involved for their support and hard work to see the
transition through to this point. There is still more work to come, but this
moment should serve as a validation of your time and effort in this process.
We are one step closer to seeing the transition many of us have been working
towards for years, to ensure an open, interoperable Internet for years to

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