[sdnog] FW: DNS Survey

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Mon May 16 15:17:09 SAST 2016

Friends and Colleagues,

Those who are involved in the DNS Industry are kindly requested to spare some 
time to respond to the below survey on the Operational Modelling of the DNS 
System. The survey feeds into an academic research project being conducted at 
the University of Leicester, UK.

I am copying to this email Mr. Marwan Radwan from the University of Leicester 
who is a researcher in this study. Mr. Radwan can address any questions you 
may have with regards to this study.

Thank you,


Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 1:40 PM
Subject: DNS Survey

The survey is related to an academic research project being conducted at the 
University of Leicester, UK regarding the operational modelling of the DNS 

Here is the link to the survey:


Thank you for your usual cooperation.

Marwan Radwan

Researcher, University of Leicester

Administrator, the Palestinian (.PS/Felasteen) ccTLDs

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