[sdnog] Fwd: [AusNOG] Network Diagnostic Tool

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Thu Nov 24 04:56:21 SAST 2016

this might be interesting to some  ..

Forwarded message:

> From: Mehrdad Arshad Rad <arshad.rad at gmail.com>
> To: ausnog at lists.ausnog.net
> Subject: [AusNOG] Network Diagnostic Tool
> Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2016 14:20:22 -0800
> Hi,
> I've started to develop an open source tool 4-5 months ago to help
> neteng/sysadmin/sysops please take look at the below links and let me know
> if you have any suggestions.
> https://github.com/mehrdadrad/mylg
> You can download it for different operating systems at http://mylg.io
> Features:
>    - Popular looking glasses (ping/trace/bgp): Telia, Level3
>    - More than 200 countries DNS Lookup information
>    - Local ping and real-time trace route
>    - Packet analyzer - TCP/IP and other packets
>    - Quick NMS (network management system)
>    - Local HTTP/HTTPS ping (GET, POST, HEAD)
>    - RIPE information (ASN, IP/CIDR)
>    - PeeringDB information
>    - Port scanning
>    - Network LAN Discovery
>    - Web dashboard
>    - Configurable options
>    - Direct access to commands from shell
>    - Support vi and emacs mode, almost all basic features
>    - CLI auto complete and history features
> Thanks,
> Mehrdad

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