[sdnog] Network and Information Security

Isra Mustafa isra.bt.jaffer at gmail.com
Fri Nov 25 13:02:55 SAST 2016

Dear Obay,
I think you should look around your society and environment, try to find
what they need or what might create a better world for them, the best kind
of projects are the ones that solve a problem or enhance the quality of
life and sometimes your graduation project might become your career so
choose wisely.
Good luck with your project and hope you find what you are looking for.
Best regards
Esraa Gafar
On Nov 25, 2016 1:04 PM, "Obay Abadi" <obay601 at outlook.com> wrote:

> My name is Obay , I studies Computer Systems and Network I’m at my finale
> year. I’m looking for Ideas for my graduation Project.
> Any help , Please
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