[sdnog] [afnog] FW: Introduction to Network Operations Online Course: Moderators Wanted

Sara Alamin sara.alamin at sudren.edu.sd
Thu Apr 6 09:17:41 SAST 2017

السلام عليكم 
اذا كان هنالك شخص مهتم لادارة الكورس المقدم من منظمة "جمعية الانترنت العالمية" يمكن ان يملأ الاستمارة الموضحه ادناه لكن يجب ان يكون الشخص مستعد لمتابعة المتدربين والاجابه على اسئلتهم وحل المشاكل التي تواجههم 

--سارة الامين-- 
----- Original Message -----

> From: "Kevin Chege" <chege at isoc.org>
> To: afnog at afnog.org
> Sent: Thursday, April 6, 2017 9:32:31 AM
> Subject: [afnog] FW: Introduction to Network Operations Online Course:
> Moderators Wanted

> ------------------

> Dear all,

> The Internet Society is currently seeking 10-15 individuals each for English
> and French languages who are interested in moderating the 'Introduction to
> Network Operations' online course. This online course covers essential
> topics on UNIX/Linux, Virtualization, IP Networking and Domain Name System
> (DNS). The course is provided in both English and French.

> Individuals interested in becoming certified moderators should meet the
> required qualifications and skills outlined below:

> Required Qualifications and Skills:

> * Sound understanding of UNIX/Linux operating systems, particularly FreeBSD
> and Ubuntu;
> * Experience setting up and troubleshooting IP networking in UNIX/Linux
> environments;
> * Experience working with the VIM text editor in UNIX/Linux environments;
> * Experience setting up a functional caching Domain Name System (DNS) in a
> UNIX/Linux environment;
> * Former participant in an introductory or intermediate network operations
> training program.

> Click on one of the links below to learn more and apply:

> English Course
> https://internetsociety.wufoo.com/forms/course-moderators-wanted-network-operations/
> French Course:
> https://internetsociety.wufoo.com/forms/modarateurs-de-cours-oparations-de-raseau/

> The application will run from the 5 th of April to the 19 th of April 2017
> and successful applicants will be notified by the 1 st week of May

> Thanks

> Kevin G. Chege


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