[sdnog] Some ways to share large files on the internet

Daniel Shaw danielshaw at protonmail.com
Tue Aug 22 09:25:58 SAST 2017

> On 2017-08-21 08:59:36 (+0200), Daniel Shaw danielshaw at protonmail.com wrote:
>> Both seem relatively secure. Both are free, and also can be self-installed (it seems).
>> - https://send.firefox.com/
> This one leaks all kinds of data to Google:
> https://github.com/mozilla/send/blob/master/docs/metrics.md

Ah ha! well I did say *relatively* :)
But thanks for highlighting the specifics, very good to know. So really best used in an incognito window, if you use it?

Thanks for the pointer to Nextcloud - I know of ownCloud, and it's a lot more than file sharing. But it is also a great way to achieve the same goal.

Forking the thread a bit... I guess you prefer Nextcloud to ownCloud? Care to elaborate at all on your experience of the differences? :)

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