[sdnog] Middle East DNS Forum Steering Committee Membership - Call for Applications

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Wed Dec 27 10:36:22 SAST 2017

Dear All,

I trust this finds you well.

This is a call for interested stakeholders from the Middle East Region or those who have interest in the DNS/hosting industry of the Middle East to join the Program Committee (PC) of the Middle East Domain Name System Forum (ME DNS Forum). The current PC had half its members (3 of the 6 members) retire to recruit 3 new members. The Program Committee role is a voluntary role with no financial compensation. Refer to the URL at http://cairo2017.mednsf.org/en/about/program-committee/<https://www.google.com/url?q=http://cairo2017.mednsf.org/en/about/program-committee/&sa=D&ust=1514366951281000&usg=AFQjCNER6Le1FODVW0Dvlr1g4J-DmCXPVA> to know the current PC members.

PC members must contribute actively to the work of the PC when planning for a forum, and during the forum. PC members are expected to develop a robust and innovative agenda for the forum in a bottom-up, consensus-driven, multi-stakeholder fashion bearing in mind feedback from relevant stakeholders and regional industry players. PC members must also suggest moderators and speakers for the different sessions.

PC members will work over teleconference calls and over a dedicated mailing list. They are expected to have expertise in one or more of the following areas:

  *   DNS Registry and Registrar Operations;
  *   Domain Name Marketing and Business Development;
  *   DNS Protocols and Technologies, including DNSSEC, IPv6, IDNs, etc.;
  *   DNS Security Planning, Management, and Enforcement;
  *   Expertise in event planning and agenda development;
  *   Strong network of contacts;
  *   Knowledge of digital economy and Internet Industry in the context of domain names;
  *   Close relation to civil society that is working on Internet related issues and rights, yet remaining within the context of domain names; and
  *   Has a knowledge of GDPR/Data Privacy issues.

The term for new PC members will be for 2 forums. It will start from the time they are seated, and will conclude with the conclusion of the ME DNS Forum in 2019.

To apply, please refer to the application form at https://goo.gl/forms/typBNLZ2oRTYiyDg1. This call is open until Monday 15 January at 23.59 UTC.

Thank you,

Fahd Batayneh
ME DNS Forum Secretariat
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