[sdnog] SdNOG participation in Sdv6TF

Khansa Mohamed khansa060 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 22:42:05 SAST 2017

As an initiative from NTC regard reforming /reactivating the *SDv6TF*
*(Sudanese IPv6 Task Force)* which is aim  to provide technical
leadership and promotion for the successful integration of IPv6 into
all sides of networking and telecommunications infrastructure,
present and future . It is Comprised of individual members from
different sectors .

*SdNOG* was invited and had the opportunity  to participate  and be part of
this team  (me and Sara Alamin as Representatives for the Group )  .

*Today was the first Sdv6TF meeting, it was an introductory and explaining
team tasks and  the way forward to accomplish it. Tasks included :*

*- Setting detailed Integration Plan for the coming 4 years and*

*- Supervision of  Plan Implementation and following up with partners from
Governmental and Private sector . *

** Team members were divided into three “working Groups:*

*- Plan WG: Working with  ISPs , Universities and research institutes ,
Government sector ,Banking and enterprise sector *

*- Training WG:  Setting up training Plan to increase  "IPv6 engineers"*

*- Promotion WG:  To effect on decision’s makers  to encourage IPv6

*That's all for the first meeting !  *
*,there will be regular meetings  and will let you following up *

*If you have any suggestions / ideas  that can support  Sdv6TF  work feel
free to share it here : )*

Best Regards ,,

SdNOG Committee

Khansa A. Mohamed
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