[sdnog] letencrypt and dane: https://blog.apnic.net/2017/01/06/lets-encrypt-dane/

Philip Paeps philip at trouble.is
Thu Jan 12 11:22:50 SAST 2017

On 2017-01-10 10:22:01 (+0100), Nishal Goburdhan 
<nishal at controlfreak.co.za> wrote:
> following the talk by philip and sara on LE, this might be interesting 
> to you:
> https://blog.apnic.net/2017/01/06/lets-encrypt-dane/

Thanks for the pointer Nishal.

I keep hoping DANE will become more "real".  It's encouraging to see
more and more mailservers validating TLSA records but it would be nice
if the web would finally catch up.

> getting .SD signed is still, imho, a priority for you.

I'd suggest making that a new year's resolution but since you're
expected to forget all about new year's resolutions by the end of
January, maybe that's not such a great idea. :)


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information

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