[sdnog] Question !!

Ahmad Yassin amyassin77 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 25 13:27:18 SAST 2017

Hi Mahmmoud,

I believe your browser is the snitch here :) The browser is aiding the
website using WebRTC, a collection of protocols and APIs designed to enable
real time communications between peers. I believe someone might help with a
more conclusive answer and maybe more ways this is done other than WebRTC,
but as a start you can read more here:


Many browser extensions have implemented ways to block this behavior, my
favorite is uBlock Origin having an option to "Prevent WebRTC from leaking
local IP addresses" --read more at:


Best regards,
Ahmad Yassin

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 1:14 PM mahmmoud ahmed <mohd_ibrah_ahmed at hotmail.com>

> Dear Sdnog committee
> Greeting
> I'm just wondering there is some of websites tell you your public ipv4 and
> private ipv4 also , my question is how this websites can detect your
> private IP address
> and what is technique are using to shown your private IP address , please
> give us links , videos ..etc  for more explanations .
> Thanks in advance
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