[sdnog] [Ietf_africa] Remote Hubs in Somalia, Sudan and Libya

Patrick Okui pokui at psg.com
Tue Jan 31 09:23:49 SAST 2017

On 31 Jan 2017, at 7:05 EAT, Patrick Okui wrote:


I probably should have explained a bit more.

So IETF has meetings all year round, and some ISOC chapters create 
remote participation hubs. These are rooms in a hotel or similar with 
decent connectivity that someone can go to to take part in the IETF 
sessions and where one can get food and beverage nearby.

See [this isoc 
for details.

The catch with this meeting is it’s in Chicago, so the timezone is 
going to be extremely off, and I don’t necessarily think people would 
be interested in going to a hotel in the middle of the night. I think 
it’s only being proposed because of the travel ban.

However, they also have an audio stream and their main conferencing 
software is [meetcho](http://www.meetecho.com/). I think it’s more 
likely that interested parties would just want to use meeetcho.

However, I’m not sure it works from Sudan - the trade embargo was 
lifted but I don’t know if that means you can access this site. I 
think if people are interested, it’s a good opportunity to try the 
various connectivity options and raise any issues you find.

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