[sdnog] MEAC School on IG 2017 | Ankara, Turkey | 7-11 August 2017

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Sat Jun 10 22:18:44 SAST 2017

Interested in learning about Internet Governance in a multi-national and friendly environment?

We are pleased to announce that the 4th edition of the Middle East and Adjoining Countries School on Internet Governance (MEAC-SIG 2017) will take place in Ankara, Turkey on 7-11 August 2017 with a generous host from NIC.tr.

Please read the concept note at https://goo.gl/Qrs41S before applying online at https://goo.gl/forms/4sihLznXKXadqRKX2. Please note the Terms and Conditions in the Concept note:

  1.  The applicant must be above the age of 18 years.
  2.  The applicant must be a citizen of the MEAC region; which consists of the 22 Arab States, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. Applications from outside of the MEAC region will not be considered.
  3.  All fields within the application form are mandatory. Applications with missing fields will not be considered.
  4.  Selected attendees and successful fellows are expected to attend the entire 5-day event and any social activities.
  5.  Selected attendees and successful fellows might be requested to make a presentation on a certain national or regional topic of their choice. Group presentations are welcome.
  6.  All attendees; whether fellows or non-fellows, are expected to report on the event within 2 weeks from the end of it. The report must explain the fellow’s experience attending the MEAC-SIG, and how they will use the knowledge gained to benefit their local community.

Full and partial funding is available, and is clear in the application.

MEAC-SIG 2017 has an online space online at https://community.icann.org/display/MES/MEAC-SIG+2017. The page will get updated as we move down the road.

The application window remains open until Saturday 24 June 2017 at 23.59 UTC.

Also, please circulate to your relevant network of contacts.

Thank you,

Fahd Batayneh
MEAC-SIG 2017 Coordinator
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