[sdnog] Request for volunteer

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Wed Mar 29 12:38:29 SAST 2017

On 28 Mar 2017, at 14:52, Ibrahim Mohamed wrote:

> Dear sir .
> I am interested in an opportunity to volunteering with SDNOG .i have
> significant experience with working with community and youth and i am
> attended most of the SDNOG activity's from day 1.if SDNOG need 
> volunteer i
> would be  thrilled to have the opportunity to assist.
> I believe it would be excellent opportunity to develop my entrest.

no doubt sara, or one of the other admins has already responded to you 
off-list, but for the other people that are lurking here and wondering 
how you can help, here’s one suggestion that you can immediately take 
to heart - contribute to the sdNOG wiki at https://wiki.sdnog.sd

the wiki is really just a listing of how sdnog operates, and things that 
you’d like to see/change/operate within the community.  yes, you’ll 
have to register for an account but that’s just to help keep the spam 

improving documentation, and helping to create and define process is an 
important part of sustaining what you’ve built.  as an example, 
here’s the 2017 activity list for sdNOG:  
https://wiki.sdnog.sd/index.php/Activity_Plan_2017.   as you can see, 
although some activities have been allocated to people, there’s a 
goodly amount that hasn’t.  there’s also very little documentation 
on most of the things that have happened, so a good start might be 
simply reaching out to some of the people mentioned and helping them to 
document what they’ve done (of course, in addition to actually helping 
to do :-)).  if you’re willing to, everyone can help by doing just a 

even if you first step, is simply creating a user page for yourself  
(eg. see:  https://wiki.sdnog.sd/index.php/User:Sara) that helps people 
identify you at the next event, that’s a good first step.  if you’re 
more comfortable writing in arabic, that’s also a great way to 
participate;  help to translate the existing material.  :-)

it might look like it’s difficult to edit the wiki, and it probably 
will be for the first few times that you make changes.  the good news is 
that it gets easier over time (like anything) and, you don’t really 
have to worry about breaking anything, because there’s always someone 
in the background that will be willing to help fix.  and, in the 
process, you’ll learn a new skill - digital collaboration.


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