[sdnog] (no subject)

Philip Paeps philip at trouble.is
Sun Apr 15 05:07:24 SAST 2018

On 2018-04-15 04:50:52 (+0800), eman abubakeralsiddig wrote:
> I want to ask about the cocept of cloud computing

There is no cloud.  It's just other people's computers.

> How to every engineer become in trend with this technology also what 
> is the Bascis to start on it as a career any advice here also what is 
> the main courses  and concept to be good on it

I don't think running infrastructure on other people's computers is any 
different from running on your own computers.  The only thing you need 
to remember is that you have no control over the computers.  Security 
becomes a lot more interesting.

And what do you do when it rains?

In other words: what if the people whose computers you're using suddenly 
decide they no longer love you?

If you want to get involved in so-called cloud computing, invest in 
umbrellas.  Backups in other words.


Philip Paeps
Senior Reality Engineer
Ministry of Information

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