[sdnog] Quad9 node in Sudan :-)

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Sun Aug 26 19:55:25 SAST 2018

On 26 Aug 2018, at 11:21, Emad Eldin Allazem Jamaa Hamed wrote:

> C:\Users\emadedeen.SUDATEL>tracert 2620:fe::9
> Tracing route to dns.quad9.net [2620:fe::9]
> over a maximum of 30 hops:
>   1     6 ms     1 ms     1 ms  2001:4228:ffff::ffff:1
>   2     6 ms     1 ms     1 ms  2001:4228::1:3
>   3     *        *        *     Request timed out.
>   4     *       20 ms    19 ms  2001:16a0:102:2041::1
>   5    81 ms    81 ms    83 ms  2001:16a0:1:0:84:235:94:224
>   6    96 ms     *      123 ms  de-cix.woodynet.net [2001:7f8::2a:0:1]
>   7    98 ms    98 ms    98 ms  dns.quad9.net [2620:fe::9]

right, so ipv6 is heading over to de-cix in frankfurt.  the networks at 
the SIXP do not use IPv6 yet.  this was part of the legacy mode setup 
(ie. Layer-3 mode) that SIXP is currently operating under.  for a 
layer-3 interconnection, if the network in the middle does not support a 
particular technology, everything in the path will suffer.  this is 
being reviewed, and hopefully changed soon.   ISA.

once the IX peering model is cut across to layer-2, it will be easier 
for smart networks, like you,  that *do* use IPv6 to be able to setup 
and manage their own bilateral IPv6 peering sessions.  and less reliance 
on the internal technology of the IX to allow you to peer.  once 
that’s happens, please do reach out to the PCH team and request IPv6 
peering - that will improve your performance *AND* save you money, 
simultaneously.  all free.


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