[sdnog] limited Seats for the Online course UNIX Linux, Networking and DNS

Manhal Mohammed manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 13 13:09:43 SAST 2018

Dear SdNOG community
For those who are interested in joining  the online course " UNIX Linux, Networking and DNS " which will be from  16th December 2018 to 6th January  2019
please fill this

Introduction to Network Operations: UNIX/LINUX, Networking and DNS<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJrRp0Mx7fzsoRPhU9hSJMfznfT_yRlifkhXqMgUAZl1-dgA/viewform?usp=sf_link>
This online course focuses on basic UNIX/Linux and Networking skills. It is intended for newcomers to UNIX/Linux and Networking. The course is practically oriented and guides the trainee step by step on how to setup a working UNIX/Linux server, connect it to the Internet and then run a Caching Domain Name System (DNS) server in a Virtualized environment.

We have limited seats for both groups  6 and 7.

best regards
 SdNOG team

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