[sdnog] Fw: Introduction to Network Operations - Online course

Sara Alamin sara.alamin at protonmail.com
Tue Mar 6 12:25:37 SAST 2018

Hi SdNOG community :-)
We received this announcement, it might be of interest to you

all the best,
--Sara Alamin--

> Kindly share this with the mailing lists you're on.
> Here's a free online course on Introduction to Network Operations provided by the Internet Society (ISOC) that I highly recommend. If you are interested you can register using this link
>  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/intro-netops-ug-eng2018
> Below is some information on the course and the time table that will be followed.
> Kindly go through it before registering. I have also shared a link at the bottom with more information.
> Introduction To Network Operations
> Background
> This course focuses on basic UNIX/Linux and Networking skills. It is intended for newcomers to UNIX/Linux and Networking. The course is practically oriented and guides the trainee step by step on how to setup a working UNIX/Linux server, connect it to the Internet and then run a Caching Domain Name System (DNS) server in a Virtualized environment.
> The techniques covered in the course are applicable in real world environments to setup Internet-ready caching DNS servers. Those who complete will be awarded with a Certificate of Completion. You will also be provided a remote server to carry out the hands on parts of the course and the exercises.
> Who Should Attend
> Novice/entry level network engineers and system administrators (from Africa) who are interested in learning about UNIX/Linux, Networking and DNS. The course is targeted at upcoming network engineers and system administrators from Research Education Networks (RENs), Network Operator Groups, Universities, ccTLD registries or Internet Service Providers (in Africa).
> Course Timetable
> The course will follow the following schedule:
> ·        Pre-Course sign up (1 week)
> ·        Week 1 – Introduction to UNIX and Linux – Theory – Starts on March 19th
> o   58 slides of theory content
> o   One assignment (marked by Moderator)
> ·        Week 2 –Networking Overview and Working with FreeBSD Ports – Hands On and Theory - Starts on March 26th
> o   86 slides of theory content
> o   Mandatory Call
> o   One quiz (automatically marked on the platform)
> ·        Week 3 – Working with UNIX Shell - Hands On and Theory - Starts on April 2nd
> o   53 slides of theory content
> o   One Assignment (marked by Moderator)
> ·        Week 4 – 45 + 37 = 82 slides VIM Editor and Intro to DNS - Hands On and Theory - Starts on April 9th
> o   82 slides of theory content
> o   One Assignment (marked by Moderator)
> ·        Week 5 –The Domain Name System - Hands On and Theory - Starts on April 16th
> o   23 slides of theory content
> o   Final Mandatory Call
> o   One Quiz (automatically marked on the platform)
> o   Final Assignment
> o   Course feedback survey
> Its important that you complete the work in time and you can only progress in the course if you complete the previous activities in the course. In order to allow you to move quickly, you will be assigned remote servers where you can run the exercises in the course which will be graded.
> A mailing list and WhatsApp Group will be created to allow ease of communication with your moderator. Please attend the online calls which are scheduled as follows:
> ·        Call 1 – 26th March  at 1400GMT
> ·        Call 2 - 9th April at 1400GMT
> ·        Call 3 - 16th April at 1400GMT
> [Introduction to Network Operations: UNIX/LINUX, Networking and DNS](https://www.internetsociety.org/what-we-do/inforum-learn-online/inforum-course-introduction-network-operations)
> Cheers,
> Izzy
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