[sdnog] FW: AfPIF2018 at iWeek- CALL FOR PAPERS IS NOW OPEN

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Wed May 9 13:51:47 SAST 2018

This might be of interest to some.


Date: Monday, May 7, 2018 at 8:41 PM
Subject: AfPIF2018 at iWeek- CALL FOR PAPERS IS NOW OPEN

Hi everyone -

Are you interested in giving a presentation or participating in panels at AfPIF2018 at iWeek, which will be held from 21-23 August in Cape Town, South Africa?

The AfPIF program committee is pleased to announce that it has opened AfPIF2018 at iWeek CALL FOR PAPERS as of today May 7 2018.

To submit your proposals please go to:
English:  https://www.afpif.org/afpif2018/call-for-papers/
French:  https://www.afpif.org/fr/afpif2018iweek/appel-a-communication/

For more information please visit AfPIF2018 at iWeek websites here: English<https://www.afpif.org/afpif2018/> or French<https://www.afpif.org/fr/afpif2018iweek/>

Don’t forget to REGISTER<https://iweek.org.za/registration-2018/> for the event beforehand!

Thank you,
Betel Hailu
For AfPIF Comms
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