[sdnog] ISOC Online Course

Manhal Mohammed manhal_muhamed at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 17 17:08:35 SAST 2018

hi Mr Ghazi

the registration is now closed , we get so many requests for this one but we will open it soon after current  batches are completed , stay tuned

you can send me your email , Full name "in English " and your phone number "with whatsapp " so i can put you on one of the groups if one of the registered participants apologized for not attending this course.

ps : i have two seats for now if you would like to join the current working Group (started yesterday)

best regards

Manhal Mohammed
Sdnog Team

From: sdnog <sdnog-bounces at sdnog.sd> on behalf of ghazi back <backghazi at gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2018 2:06:59 PM
To: sdnog at sdnog.sd
Subject: [sdnog] ISOC Online Course

Hi sdnog community,
registration was closed, when you will open it again !?
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