[sdnog] Fwd: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] [Webinar] Take Your IPv6 Deployment to the Next Level

Mukom Akong T. mukom.tamon at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 16:17:40 SAST 2018

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mukom Akong T <tamon at afrinic.net>
Date: Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 17:37
Subject: [AfrIPv6-Discuss] [Webinar] Take Your IPv6 Deployment to the Next
To: IPv6 in Africa Discussions <afripv6-discuss at afrinic.net>

Hello folks

When we did our IPv6 Deployment Challenges survey in 2016, one of the main
findings was that some folks even after training still wanted more
guidance. As a result, we created two initiatives as part of our IPv6

1. The IPv6 Deployment Hackathon (aka Deployathons): - invite-only events
where we help you prototype, test and deploy some IPv6 feature within 16

2. The IPv6 Deployment Help Desk where we work with teams one-on-one to
implement IPv6 on their networks

We find ourselves dealing with certain recurrent themes during these help
desk sessions. As a result, we’re launching a series of webinars to address
very specific deployment issues.

The first webinar is open for registration at
https://vox.afrinic.net/281636?lang=en and will take place as follows

🗓  19th September

⏱  13:00 UTC

👥 30 seats only

Request an invite to this webinar at https://vox.afrinic.net/281636?lang=en

Warm Regards


If you’ll be attending SAFNOG-4 (24th - 29th September) in Dar Es Salaam,
Tanzania, we’ll be running our second deployathon at the event. Request an
invite at https://vox.afrinic.net/728558?lang=en

For anyone else who cannot make it to Dar but needs free guidance on their
IPv6 project, make a request at  bit.ly/6deployEN  (English) or
bit.ly/6deployFR (French). Those who register and get an invite to our
webinar https://vox.afrinic.net/281636?lang=en will get priority access to
the help desk.

AfrIPv6-Discuss mailing list
AfrIPv6-Discuss at afrinic.net


Mukom Akong T.

LinkedIn:Mukom <https://www.linkedin.com/in/mukom>  |  twitter:

“When you work, you are the FLUTE through whose lungs the whispering of the
hours turns to MUSIC" - Kahlil Gibran
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