FG TECHNOLOGY abdulrahmanfagiry98 at gmail.com
Tue Jan 1 08:55:03 SAST 2019

Thank you for replying Mr.Sander Steffan,  and I wish you(Jan and Kevin)
good luck for your new foundation,  and surely it will help us a lot!

On Sun, 30 Dec 2018 14:39 Sander Steffann, <sander at steffann.nl> wrote:

> I have been looking for something similar. My wishes actually go a bit
> further: I would also like to view the information from the host and subnet
> point of view in addition to viewing the information per zone.
> It's one of the things that I have been looking for for a long time, but
> have never found... All tools either are pure zone editors, or complicated
> IPAM solutions with much more complexity than I want to deal with. It is
> one of the things that I have considered building and open-sourcing myself,
> but never had the time to do.
> We (Jan, Kevin and myself) are working hard to set up a new foundation to
> support network operators called the Global NOG Alliance (GNA). If more
> people share my idea, maybe we can see if GNA can assist in developing
> something simple but efficient. Ideas?
> Cheers,
> Sander
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