[sdnog] Weekly Routing Table Report

Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za
Tue Nov 12 12:59:29 SAST 2019

On 11 Nov 2019, at 9:25, Yousra Abdalla wrote:

> What is this weekly routing table report for?   What the benefits of 
> it?

let’s start with :
# did you visit the website at the top of report, for additional 
# if you read it, what did you understand from the website?
# what specific questions do you have?

(we did a CIDR report talk at sdnog-2, i think)

the short answers to your questions are:
# it’s a report on the size of the internet routing table
# network engineers care about this information;  it helps them in their 
planning, debugging, and choice of transit operators.

but those are short answers;  i’d really, really, like more people to 
read through the website, and ask more detailed questions ..


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