[sdnog] Weekly Routing Table Report

Philip Smith philip at nsrc.org
Tue Nov 12 15:06:13 SAST 2019

Nishal Goburdhan wrote on 12/11/19 10:59 :
> On 11 Nov 2019, at 9:25, Yousra Abdalla wrote:
>> What is this weekly routing table report for?   What the benefits of it?
> let’s start with :
> # did you visit the website at the top of report, for additional
> information?
> # if you read it, what did you understand from the website?
> # what specific questions do you have?
> (we did a CIDR report talk at sdnog-2, i think)
> the short answers to your questions are:
> # it’s a report on the size of the internet routing table
> # network engineers care about this information;  it helps them in their
> planning, debugging, and choice of transit operators.
> but those are short answers;  i’d really, really, like more people to
> read through the website, and ask more detailed questions ..

And for my part, as the originator of the report (which I send by
request of SDNOG, btw), I'd be happy to help out, explain any of the
contents there.

The global routing system affects us all, and has big impacts on our
local network infrastructure too.

Best wishes,


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