[sdnog] SdNOG6??

Sara Alamin sara.alamin at protonmail.com
Wed Oct 2 10:42:55 SAST 2019

Hi Yousra, Sander, All,

> Is seems  I asked in the wrong place..is  here anyone know where to contact the executive committee ?

No, you did not. this is the right place. Sorry for being late to reply.

As we all know situation in Sudan was not stable and we couldn’t do any kind of sdnog activities (expect the Online course) but now, it is much better :-)

So, We already started the procedures to organise sdnog-6. but still nothing confirm yet.

We will try our best to have a meeting this year, and we will keep all of you updated.

Thank you for asking, and caring about sdnog activities, and we hope to have a good news for you soon :-)

@Sander: Thank you for your support! it was good having you in sdnog5, and we wish to continue having you in our future events.

Have a good day.
—Sara Alamin—



كمانعلمجميعا  وضعالسودانخلالالفترهالسابقةلميكنيسمحبتنظيممؤتمراوعملاينشاطللمجموعة  (فقطالدوراتالتدريبيةعبرالانترنت) . لكنوبحمداللهالوضعالاناصبح  مستقر — نوعاما :-)

بالفعلتمالبدء  فياجراءاتتنظيممؤتمراس-دي-نوق6 ،  لكنحتيالانلميتمالتاكيدبعد.  وسنسعيجاهدينلتنفيذمؤتمرخلالهذاالعام .

شكرالسؤالكولاهتمامكبنشاطاتاس-دي-نوق،وسيتمارسالايمستجداتبخصوصالمؤتمرهنابالقائمةالبريديه .


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