[sdnog] SdNOG6??

Yousra Abdalla yousra.a.nasr at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 10:25:40 SAST 2019

All the best

On Wed, Oct 2, 2019, 11:42 AM Sara Alamin <sara.alamin at protonmail.com>

> Hi Yousra, Sander, All,
> Is seems  I asked in the wrong place..is  here anyone know where to
> contact the executive committee ?
> No, you did not. this is the right place. Sorry for being late to reply.

Thank you ! .. it's ok I just needed an answer cause I'm  visiting Sudan
in  coming two months and want to plan dates so not to miss the event ..

> As we all know situation in Sudan was not stable and we couldn’t do any
> kind of sdnog activities (expect the Online course) but now, it is much
> better :-)
We hope the best inshallah

> So, We already started the procedures to organise sdnog-6. but still
> nothing confirm yet.
Good to know and all the best

> We will try our best to have a meeting this year, and we will keep all of
> you updated.
> Thank you for asking, and caring about sdnog activities, and we hope to
> have a good news for you soon :-)
Indeed! :-)

> @Sander: Thank you for your support! it was good having you in sdnog5, and
> we wish to continue having you in our future events.
> Have a good day.
> —Sara Alamin—
> السلام عليكم يسرا،
> نعتذر في اتأخير بالرد
> كما نعلم جميعا  وضع السودان خلال الفتره السابقة لم يكن يسمح بتنظيم مؤتمر
> او عمل اي نشاط للمجموعة  (فقط الدورات التدريبية عبر الانترنت) . لكن وبحمد
> الله الوضع الان اصبح  مستقر — نوعا ما :-)
> بالفعل تم البدء  في اجراءات تنظيم مؤتمر اس-دي-نوق6 ،  لكن حتي الان لم يتم
> التاكيد بعد.  و سنسعي جاهدين لتنفيذ مؤتمر خلال هذا العام .
> شكرا لسؤالك ولاهتمامك بنشاطات اس-دي-نوق، و سيتم ارسال اي مستجدات بخصوص
> المؤتمر هنا بالقائمة البريديه .
> بالتوفيق
> —سارة الامين
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