[sdnog] Effects of encryption techniques on data-network management

Sami Salih sami at tpra.gov.sd
Thu Oct 17 15:10:06 SAST 2019

Dear Colleagues, 

As you may aware, encryption techniques become more robust, efficient, and easy to be utilized by Internet users. Indeed this is s very good development of Internet security and without any doubt such enhancement will positively contribute to the overall trust of the e-services. However, bad-boys may use such techniques to hide them self's while sabotaging cybersystems. 
Hence, from the law-enforcement perspective, an appropriate measures should be taken before allowing customers to utilize encryption technique that are not yet have someway to be monitored, traced, or can register a meaningful logs for its activities. 

I need your input to see how we can allow (by regulations) techniques such as (TLS1.3, ESNI, DoH, QUIC, etc.). 


Dr. Sami Salih | Assistant Professor 
Sudan University of Science and Technology 
Eastern Dum, P.O Box 11111-407 
email: sami.salih at sustech.edu 
Mob: +249122045707 

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