[sdnog] [Report] Are the World’s Top Websites Truly Accessible for Global Audiences?

Fahd Batayneh fahd.batayneh at icann.org
Wed Oct 23 10:17:03 SAST 2019

Friends and Colleagues,

The Universal Acceptance Steering Group (UASG) commissioned a new study on the universal acceptance of TLDs across the top 1,000 websites as ranked by Alexa.

The methodology consisted of testing 6 different email IDs that were fully ASCII, fully IDN, or a mix of ASCII and IDN. While on the one hand “fully ASCII” email IDs provided very high rates of acceptance, “fully IDN” email IDs scored extremely low. The mix of ASCII and IDN email IDs gave varying results.

While the report was conducted on a global scale, stakeholders in Brazil took this project one step further and implemented it at the national level. They tested the 50 most popular websites in Brazil according to Alexa rankings, and the results showed that only 3 websites achieved total Universal Acceptance compliance.

More on this in the blog at https://uasg.tech/2019/10/are-the-worlds-top-websites-truly-accessible-for-global-audiences/ and the two accompanying reports; the Global report and the Brazil case study report.

Thank you,

Fahd Batayneh
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