[sdnog] Fwd: Call for Volunteers to Join the AfPIF Program Committee

Sara Alamin sara.alamin at protonmail.com
Thu Sep 19 09:53:03 SAST 2019

Hi Nishal,
Thanks for sharing the announcement, and I have received many questions about joining the PC. I will share it here for others too.

-Does joining  the program committee  require certain educational qualifications?
- for students and fresh graduates, Can they join the PC? Or the committee is only for the expertise?
- Do I have to work/ have been worked with the Internet exchange point?
- If I do not have any experience or knowledge on how Internet exchange points work. can I participate?
- after joining the PC, Will there be a training period at the beginning to clarify the responsibilities of work?

—Sara Alamin—

السلام عليكم نيشال
: استلمت العديد من الاسئلة عن الاشتراك الي لجنة مؤتمر افبف ساشاركها هنا للمنفعة العامة

هل يتطلب الانضمام الي مؤهلات علمية معينة؟

هل يمكن للطلاب والخرجين الجدد الاشتراك؟ ام اللجنة خاصة فقط بذو الخبرات؟

هل يتوجب العمل بنقطة تبادل الانترنت؟

اذا لم تكن لدي خبره او معرفة بعمل نقاط تبادل الانترنت هل يمكن المشاركه؟

هل ستكون هنالك فترة تدريبيه ببدايه الاشتراك لتوضيح مسؤوليات العمل؟


--سارة الامين--

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Wednesday, September 18, 2019 2:10 PM, Nishal Goburdhan nishal at controlfreak.co.za wrote:

> fyi.
> happy to answer questions off-list if needed.
> Forwarded message:
>> From: Betel Hailu hailu at isoc.org
>> Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 11:35:01 +0000
>> Hi everyone
>> The AfPIF Programme Committee is seeking volunteers from the community
>> to join the AfPIF Program Committee for a
>> 3-year term.
>> Eligibility
>> Anyone interested in the peering and interconnection ecosystem and is
>> willing to volunteer some time and expertise to the cause of AfPIF can
>> apply. There are no restrictions, be it age, geography, stakeholder
>> group, affiliation, etc. However, preference will be given to
>> applicants who have attended at least one previous AfPIF meeting.
>> Please see the charter that is available here:
>> https://www.afpif.org/program-commitee-governance-structure/
>> Submission
>> Information is available here:
>> https://www.afpif.org/call-for-volunteers-to-join-the-afpif-program-committee/
>> Timeline
>> Call for Volunteers Opens - 18 September 2019
>> Submissions Deadline - 18 October 2019
>> Notification of Selection - 04 November 2019
>> Acceptance Deadline - 15 November 2019
>> Term Commences - 01 December 2019
>> Thank you,
>> Betel Hailu
>> AfPIF Comms
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