[sdnog] How to practice Information Security

Daniel Shaw danielshaw at protonmail.com
Fri Apr 3 20:50:28 SAST 2020


As already mentioned, to be able to effectively secure and maintain the security of systems and networks it's important to understand how those systems and networks work. So the basics of System Admin/Engineering, Network Admin/Engineering is an important part of defensive security.

Likewise, part of a role in defensive cyber security will very often also involve helping DevOps teams stay secure. So a good base in DevOps is useful too.

Finally, very important in defending any network and systems is understanding what is coming at you. How the attackers think, what tools they have and what techniques they use. So even if you are not interested in ultimately working in a penetration testing role, I'd say that learning about how that is done is still super important.

On that note, start here: https://www.hacksplaining.com/lessons

-- Daniel

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday, March 27, 2020 9:04 PM, Sadiq Aliyu Gumel <itzgumel at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thank you Muhamed
> I want to go for System Network I really don't want to be involved pentest
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