[sdnog] sub-domain creation

Daniel Shaw danielshaw at protonmail.com
Tue Apr 28 10:34:40 SAST 2020


Yes, this is possible. If I understand what you need correctly.

What is possible:

* Domain aaabbbccc.tld has authoritative DNS names server say ns1.aaabbbccc.tld and ns2.aaabbbccc.tld
* You want to have subdomain emad.aaabbbccc.tld but use name server ns1.emad.sd and ns2.emad.sd
* So within the existing, live zone at ns1.aaabbbccc.tld and ns2.aaabbbccc.tld there needs to be added *delegation* of the subdomain. This is done by adding NS records like this:

emad   IN   NS  ns1.emad.sd.
emad   IN   NS  ns2.emad.sd.

* Then you can now create a zone with SOA as emad.aaabbbccc.tld on your name servers as above and add the origin A records and any others under that subdomain.

I hope that makes sense?

-- Daniel

‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Monday, April 27, 2020 8:35 PM, <emadedeen at sudachad.com> wrote:

> Can I create sub-domain for using domain than not creating locally in my DNS
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